Video from the abyss......
Sofia Coppola?!
Kate Moss?!
The White Stripes?!
How did I not know about this video?
THE WHITE STRIPES: I Just Don't Know What To Do With Myself
Obsession might be an understatement
Sofia Coppola?!
Kate Moss?!
The White Stripes?!
How did I not know about this video?
THE WHITE STRIPES: I Just Don't Know What To Do With Myself
Posted by
11:36 AM
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Labels: Video Review
...Why hasn't something like this been done before? (unless it has)
The concept behind Shitdisco's video for "OK" (directed by Price James) is so simple, yet so well executed that you're left wondering, "Where can I get one of those, because that was amazing".
I could watch this over and over...
(I have)
Shitdisco Official Site
Posted by
2:59 AM
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Labels: Video Review
So today I met a neat girl named Sarah. (She sold me her extra tickets to see The Cribs on Thursday (wooo!)).
Sarah is going to study in Glasgow next semester.
Jealousy aside, she is need of assistance. The Modern Age has the full details here.
Long story short, you just have to click the radio button that says '10'. It takes like 10 seconds, and you'll feel good cause you're helping someone get the experience of a lifetime. I'm going to vote more than once.
Here's the direct link to the page you vote at. Just click '10'. Thanks!
Posted by
12:39 AM
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So, we've all heard enough about failing record sales to make our heads implode. However, the big news today is that London band The Crimea have decided to do something about it.
After being dropped from Warner, despite respectable record sales, the band decided to take matters into their own hands and released their latest record "Secrets of the Witching Hour" on their own dime.
Bold move.
They plan to stay off the dole on merchandise and touring revenues. Majors everywhere are watching to see how this all pans out. So am I.
In the meantime, I downloaded the album and hope its filled with wonderful music to distract me from my scratchy throat...
Download the Album for FREE here.
Story (courtesy The Guardian Unlimited) here
Posted by
10:23 AM
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Not that I mind.
Why was I not in this shop when they were? I live like right around the corner (aka. 12 blocks away)
If you follow the links to the 'urban outfitters BLOG' (does everything have a blog now? Apparently, yes) you'll find a brilliant video featuring their views on fashion and bus furniture.
Screw it, I'll save you the trouble:
Klaxons = Love
Posted by
1:31 AM
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I think I'll laugh at Lohan for the fact that James had enough self-respect to turn down her down. Then I'll get extremely jealous at the fact that I could never have been at that afterparty...
"Lohan decides she wants to hook up with James Klaxons and after she gets kicked out for being underage, she sends her security guard back to find James who tells him “Lindsay wants to say goodbye”... He said no. She sent him a billion text messages. Everyone laughed."
Full Text here.
Posted by
8:41 PM
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Labels: Random smatterings
Can't make it Coachella this year?
(like me.)
Well don't cry about it too hard, just thank your lucky stars that the internet, Wi-Fi, and digital recording exists.
head to:
to watch the live stream.
(I'm still bitter at missing the Arctic Monkeys every single frickin time they're in town for this new album...Anyone want to take pity on me?)
Posted by
7:32 PM
1 random sentiments
Cause it's Arctic Monday.
Get it?
Cause "Favourite Worst Nightmare" came out today!
(None of those jokes were mine.)
So, in honor of my favorite Sheffield foursome, (and because I am waiting till the album comes out in the US tomorrow to lighten the load on my already tight budget) Here are some free audio bits courtesy the BBC!
Posted by
2:53 PM
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Labels: Update
-A Spiderman Musical? U2 signed on for the music? I have no words...( does)
I really hope the costumes look like that one though.
Posted by
11:36 AM
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Labels: News
Everyone's been talking about the new music coming out of the more obscure regions of the UK. Leeds, Sheffield, Manchester, Staines... (Alright, not that obscure..) But what's been going on in London?
Good music.
Taking the lead: Jamie T (Said to be a mix of The Streets and Bob Dylan (no comment, good or bad, on that one); winner of the Best Solo Artist at the NME awards 2007 (bravo!))
Here's the new video for "Sheila"
If you want something more under the radar (but that won't last long. Trust me on that one) How about Jake Penate? Catchy tunes and a kooky dancer. I'm hooked.
If you like Jack Penate, he just did a set on Zane Lowe's show tonight. It'll be up for a week on the bbc radio 1 website. I'm checking out. Anyone with me?
Posted by
10:01 PM
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Labels: New Music