The definition of 'highly anticipated' or, Brandon Flowers needs a shave.
So, if you've been paying attention to the 'blog buzz' or any sort of musical headline, you are well aware of the eagerly awaited sophomore album from Las Vegas natives The Killers. The single has already begun to make its usual rounds on the intranet and as expected (me being an ever faithful Killers fan) I've got my hands on it and am ready to deliberate.
The first song to be exposed off their new album "Sam's Town" (to be released on Oct. 2, and named for a casino from their hometown claims the NME) is called "When You Were Young" and will be released as a single on Sept. 18. The song itself seems very different from their dance/pop debut album from the start. Brandon Flowers' infamous jeweled synth is nowhere to be found in the opening chords, and instead, a soaring guitar riff leads into the ever-familiar vocals. As the song progresses, it initially seems to lack a coherent structure, though through time, the organization becomes clearer. As previously announced by Flowers, there is definitely a Bruce Springsteen feel to this song, and the influence can especially be noted occationally in Flowers' warbled and trademark vocals. All in all, I already can't get the song out of my head, and will most likely be found humming the tune while riding the subway tomorrow. I apologize in advance to whoever is subjected to that torture.
The Killers - When You Were Young
The Killers Official Site article on the new album