Video from the abyss......
Sofia Coppola?!
Kate Moss?!
The White Stripes?!
How did I not know about this video?
THE WHITE STRIPES: I Just Don't Know What To Do With Myself
Obsession might be an understatement
Sofia Coppola?!
Kate Moss?!
The White Stripes?!
How did I not know about this video?
THE WHITE STRIPES: I Just Don't Know What To Do With Myself
Posted by
11:36 AM
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Labels: Video Review
...Why hasn't something like this been done before? (unless it has)
The concept behind Shitdisco's video for "OK" (directed by Price James) is so simple, yet so well executed that you're left wondering, "Where can I get one of those, because that was amazing".
I could watch this over and over...
(I have)
Shitdisco Official Site
Posted by
2:59 AM
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Labels: Video Review
So today I met a neat girl named Sarah. (She sold me her extra tickets to see The Cribs on Thursday (wooo!)).
Sarah is going to study in Glasgow next semester.
Jealousy aside, she is need of assistance. The Modern Age has the full details here.
Long story short, you just have to click the radio button that says '10'. It takes like 10 seconds, and you'll feel good cause you're helping someone get the experience of a lifetime. I'm going to vote more than once.
Here's the direct link to the page you vote at. Just click '10'. Thanks!
Posted by
12:39 AM
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So, we've all heard enough about failing record sales to make our heads implode. However, the big news today is that London band The Crimea have decided to do something about it.
After being dropped from Warner, despite respectable record sales, the band decided to take matters into their own hands and released their latest record "Secrets of the Witching Hour" on their own dime.
Bold move.
They plan to stay off the dole on merchandise and touring revenues. Majors everywhere are watching to see how this all pans out. So am I.
In the meantime, I downloaded the album and hope its filled with wonderful music to distract me from my scratchy throat...
Download the Album for FREE here.
Story (courtesy The Guardian Unlimited) here
Posted by
10:23 AM
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Not that I mind.
Why was I not in this shop when they were? I live like right around the corner (aka. 12 blocks away)
If you follow the links to the 'urban outfitters BLOG' (does everything have a blog now? Apparently, yes) you'll find a brilliant video featuring their views on fashion and bus furniture.
Screw it, I'll save you the trouble:
Klaxons = Love
Posted by
1:31 AM
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I think I'll laugh at Lohan for the fact that James had enough self-respect to turn down her down. Then I'll get extremely jealous at the fact that I could never have been at that afterparty...
"Lohan decides she wants to hook up with James Klaxons and after she gets kicked out for being underage, she sends her security guard back to find James who tells him “Lindsay wants to say goodbye”... He said no. She sent him a billion text messages. Everyone laughed."
Full Text here.
Posted by
8:41 PM
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Labels: Random smatterings
Can't make it Coachella this year?
(like me.)
Well don't cry about it too hard, just thank your lucky stars that the internet, Wi-Fi, and digital recording exists.
head to:
to watch the live stream.
(I'm still bitter at missing the Arctic Monkeys every single frickin time they're in town for this new album...Anyone want to take pity on me?)
Posted by
7:32 PM
1 random sentiments
Cause it's Arctic Monday.
Get it?
Cause "Favourite Worst Nightmare" came out today!
(None of those jokes were mine.)
So, in honor of my favorite Sheffield foursome, (and because I am waiting till the album comes out in the US tomorrow to lighten the load on my already tight budget) Here are some free audio bits courtesy the BBC!
Posted by
2:53 PM
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Labels: Update
-A Spiderman Musical? U2 signed on for the music? I have no words...( does)
I really hope the costumes look like that one though.
Posted by
11:36 AM
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Labels: News
Everyone's been talking about the new music coming out of the more obscure regions of the UK. Leeds, Sheffield, Manchester, Staines... (Alright, not that obscure..) But what's been going on in London?
Good music.
Taking the lead: Jamie T (Said to be a mix of The Streets and Bob Dylan (no comment, good or bad, on that one); winner of the Best Solo Artist at the NME awards 2007 (bravo!))
Here's the new video for "Sheila"
If you want something more under the radar (but that won't last long. Trust me on that one) How about Jake Penate? Catchy tunes and a kooky dancer. I'm hooked.
If you like Jack Penate, he just did a set on Zane Lowe's show tonight. It'll be up for a week on the bbc radio 1 website. I'm checking out. Anyone with me?
Posted by
10:01 PM
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Labels: New Music
Alright, it's more like a media jumble.
This is basically going to be a bunch of 'stuff' that I'm too lazy to make individual posts for.
But don't get me wrong, they're all worthy.
Also, it's free Ben and Jerry's ice cream day. Go get your ice cream on while I curse you from my window. (I am lactose intolerant)
1) Why look, the Arctic Monkeys have done another cover in the Live Lounge. Will it stand up to their amazing Girls Aloud cover for "Love Machine"? I think it gets pretty close. (They like pop songs originally done by women don't they?)
Arctic Monkeys - "You Know I'm No Good".mp3 (yousendit)
2) The Cribs are back! (thank god) I am extremely satisfied with the Jarman brothers/Alex Kapranos pairing for this new single. Mr. Kapranos helps to refresh the Cribs' signature sound, while still keeping true to all that makes us love those three crazy boys.
Go to the media-player for the uncut version of the video. (it's basically the same thing minus the large black bars on her unmentionables)
3) So I was searching through Hedi Slimane's Diary (no particular reason for that...I like the photography.) and stumbled upon some fantastic shots of my 'it' boys the Klaxons. (Like the one above, and the one below)
(No shots of sad.)
Alright, 3 seems like a good amount for today. Maybe I'll do more tomorrow...or later this week.
Posted by
4:35 PM
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Labels: Random smatterings
I am!
Posted by
2:10 PM
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Labels: Forecast
Its taken 2 days, but I think I've finally recovered enough to recount the events of the past week.
Alright, I'll be realistic. I've recovered enough to remember Friday night.
Trekking out to Brooklyn is a feat in itself. Trekking to Studio B in Brooklyn is a whole separate matter. But for the Klaxons, I'd do nearly anything.
(Alright, that is a bit excessive)
(but mostly true)
(Also, we got on the guest list (as mentioned previously) so we just HAD to go)
The show was, in a word, manic. Between the weeks of hype on the show, the months of hype from abroad, and the nature of the band that is the Klaxons, insanity was bound to occur from the moment everyone burst frostbitten through the doors.
Openers Bonde Do Role did a great job of both warming up the crowd, and proving that Brazilians really have far less shame than New Yorkers. However, as soon as their set ended, the crowds packed in, and the heat really started to turn up (literally).
I have never seen a New York crowd so enthusiastic for a gig. It was magickal (pun). Brooklyn shall now be my new concert home. The Klaxons were everything they promised, and so much more. The music was filled with so much energy that no one really bothered to determine if they were really that amazing live, and I'm sure that's the way the band likes it. (I say they were) Anyone who attended both the Bowery show, and the Studio B show noticed an immediate difference in the way the Klaxons acted on stage. While at the Bowery it was energetic, yet polite, at Studio B, all bets were off and we were all covered in much more than sweat by the end of the night (I know I was showered by beer and saliva from Simon on 3 different occasions).
Highlights of the night include (but are not exclusive to..): Hall of Records (my favorite Klaxon tune to dance to), Magick (the crowd went mental at this one), Atlantis to Interzone, Totem on the Timeline, Two Receivers, etc. (I'll just go on to list the whole setlist)
All in all, fantastic night, I wish I could do it again, I'll be obsessing over the Klaxons for a good 3 weeks or so, and I'm officially adding them to the boys I'm in love with (right up there with Pete, Carl, Noel, and Alex).
For now, I'll keep telling myself that it was me that Simon was staring at all night (no one else was looking in his direction...)(wishful thinking, I know) and take full advantage of the singular week of peace before jumping right back in with The Fratellis.
Klaxons - Hall of Records.mp3 (you only have 7 days for this one)
Posted by
11:31 PM
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Labels: Concert Review
I don't think I can put into words how excited I am right now. Sure, I was excited on tuesday when I met the Klaxons. True Lily Allen was fantastic in concert on Wenesday. And of course the Kaiser Chiefs were more spectacular than I could have ever imagined. But what happened last night even surpasses the fact that James Klaxon put me on thier guestlist for thier show tonight (twice in one week? I know, It's magnificent).
How do I put this best.
Last night, after 3 torturing years of separation, The Libertines reunited for a triumphant full set.
I hope you can understand the gravity of the event, because I am having trouble just getting past my elation and forming coherent thoughts.
I don't really know why I'm bothering seeing as everyone proably knows.
If not, here is the play by play blog of the night...
"The Good Old Days"
"Tell The King/Don't Look Back Into The Sun"
I sense good things on the horizon.
Posted by
1:10 PM
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Labels: Reunion
Alright kids, the big day is coming up.
Your 'Favourite Worst Nightmare'.
The Arctic Monkeys' Sophmore album.
It's time to make or break their careers.
But untill then, It's finally leaked online (I was hoping they would magically keep up the mystery). Googleit.
Posted by
11:41 AM
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Just returned from London town. Lots of stories to tell, but that'll be for you to find out yourself.
I did get to see the premiere for the new Arctic Monkeys video. The song is fantastic, the video is..well I'll just say it deviates from their previous repertoire.
Posted by
3:44 AM
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Labels: Video Review
Frickin new Klaxons video by Saam.
It's a remake of "Gravity's Rainbow".
I am still buzzing from the excitement:
Oh Saam, if I could worship one video director it might be you.
I am still a bit more partial to the original simply because I've known it longer, but I'm a sucker for Klaxon boys, dark suits, glowing eyes, and static imagery.
I do miss that fantastic blue sequins vest, but at least they kept the babies.
Posted by
1:02 PM
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Labels: Video Review
Two things for you today:
1) It was just announced that the annual CMJ music marathon will be moved from it's long time residency at Lincoln Center, to NYU(!). The October festival which showcases some of the newest and best music on the scene (seeing the likes of The Horrors, The Knife, ¡Forward Russia!, The Thermals, (Klaxons, if they didn't have stupid visa issues), and Noel Gallagher this year) will be held now at the Puck Building, with acts playing on the NYU campus, and (as custom) in pretty much every venue in New York City.
Bittersweet news for me, because now I can't use the distance excuse (as justification to myself) to miss any good shows.
2) Drunken Arctic Monkeys are fun. To explain:
To explain the "fancy dress" bit:
I love the Arctic Monkeys.
NME - News - "Arctic Monkeys and Girls Aloud to team-up?"
NME - News - "CMJ announces dates for 2007"
Posted by
4:23 PM
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Labels: News
Today I woke up and guess who was there to greet me from behind my television screen?
No, not Katie Couric. (she's not even on in the mornings anymore. duh)
KLAXONS - "Golden Skans"
THE FRATELLIS - "Flathead"
all apparently just added to the mtvU playlist.
I can think of no better surprise in the morning than a big helping of mind blowingly good music.
Posted by
10:21 PM
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So I've been scouring the interweb lately (I should say 'lately' as it is something I do regularly), and have become ten-fold more excited for the Kaiser Chiefs album. In exactly a week I shall stumble jet lagged, wet (from the rain), and determined into the first record shop I find, take 5 minutes to figure out the English monetary system while the clerk shoots me angry glares (fucking tourist is right) and walk out the proud owner of "Yours Truly, Angry Mob". Lets all hope the deluxe edition is available or heads will roll.
Here are some tasty Kaiser treats to make you just about as excited as me.
("Heat Dies Down" is by far one of my favorites so far. Oh wait, I forgot that on principle I automatically consider all thier songs my favorite.) (But seriously, this is a good one)
(This is from the Doncaster gig for Radio 1) (Clapping, massive guitar buildup, angry chant section, and Ricky's tambourine. Formula for success)
And of course, the #1 hit single "Ruby" (I can't remember if I've already posted it, but if so, you need it again.)
I've been watching "Enjoyment" (Their DVD from last year) every night and I'm more addicted than ever.
The only thing I wish for is some footage of Nick doing the new one "Boxing Champ". It's about time he got a fronting number. The boy deserves a lot of credit for singing backup to Ricky on every song from behind the drums.
Alright, fangirl rant is over, you can relax now.
Posted by
8:51 PM
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I forgot to post the link to the new Arctic Monkeys song.
Here's a link to a blog I like a lot.
What's more, they have an mp3 link for Brianstorm.
Arctic Monkeys - Brianstorm (link)
Posted by
8:51 PM
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It's been a long week (the end of February is never my time of the year. The birthday stuck in there didn't help.), so I'm going to keep this short, sweet, and sleep deprived.
1) New Release I'm currently sacrificing quality food for:
Kaiser Chiefs - 'Yours Truly, Angry Mob'
my verdict on snippets so far:
People often say the second album is the one that ends up lacking the most. I disagree. Loads of bands have brilliant second albums (The Libertines - S/T, Kasabian - Empire, Arctic Monkeys???). Instead, the rule of thumb should be that the follow-up album to an international success ends up lacking the most. Cause it usually holds true. I love the Kaisers and always will. They are the masters (and still are) of the mega-chorus and the perfect pop hit. They know it, I know it, we all know it. But (yes, there is a but) 'Yours Truly, Angry Mob' seems to fall into the follow-up album trap. I'm not whelmed yet, but I'll save my judgment till I get the album in my hands.
2) Zane Lowe is my hero why?
First off, he is one of the coolest DJ's in the world (and now, as of a couple hours ago, holds the NME award for best radio show AGAIN). Second, he played the new ARCTIC MONKEYS track last night on his show. Third, he has an awesome name.
my verdict on "Brianstorm":
That name threw me for a spin when I heard it. I have been thinking it was BRAINstorm for the past couple months, and all of a sudden the letters are all mixed about. I've had it on repeat for full brain (not brian) saturation, and have discussed it at length since it's airing last night, so I'll just say this:
The message boards got it right, it's a storming track. It's an interesting choice for a single due to it's untraditional lack of a chorus, but it is absolutely perfect in showcasing the bands growth; Alex Turners' songwriting abilities, Jamie and Matt's new aptitude for their instruments (The drumming is manic!), and the fact that maybe replacing Andy (you are missed) might not have been a bad idea (the bass line kills me each time. The new kid's got some talent). Only gotta wait till April for the album!
3)NME Awards just ended. Bravo Klaxons, Kasabian, Zane Lowe, The View, and everyone else that I'm not listing (due to laziness). One day I'll be there.
Oh, and as a fun note, Kate and Pete got kicked out early on for becoming 'too amorous in an alleyway'.
4) I got 3 new albums today.
+CSS - "Cansei de Ser Sexy" (Fun, explicit, dancy-rock (I'm phrasing it that way on purpose) from some very cute Brazilians
+The Long Blondes - "Someone To Drive You Home" (Sometimes rough, sometimes smooth, but always glamorously punk rock. And of course, fronted by the woman that lives as the definition of a cool vocalist with an amazing set of chords)
+The View - "Hats Off To The Buskers" (Just won NME award for best single of the year. They definitely got it right. "Wasted Little DJ's" is that kind of track that just gets stuck up in your head and won't leave - to your great pleasure.)
5) If you ever get a chance to see Razorlight in concert, DO IT. Johnny was so brilliant that he converted my friend to the (razor)light side. It also helped though that the crowd was oddly full of drunken English folk. (Why come all the way to New York?) I was dancing/singing so hard that I only took one photo. (I finally charged my camera)
Highlights include Vice (my favorite Razorlight song), Somewhere else, America (second favorite), screw it, they were all amazing.
There is probably more, but I think this got longer than I initially planned. I'm saving up most of my money for London next week, so there will probably be much more when I get back on the 20th. (music overload hopefully)
Thanks again to everyone for the birthday wishes, I can't even remember whom to thank. Wish me luck in London town!
Posted by
8:04 PM
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Labels: Update
Looks like Pete Doherty is finally banned from the roads. Come on people. I love the man, but I would not want him sharing the road with me.
I like living.
NME.COM - News - Pete Doherty banned from driving
Posted by
1:03 PM
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Did anyone else read the statement by Steve Jobs on the state of DRM encoded music? My favorite part was when he basically blamed the entire protected music idea on the 4 major labels (Universal, EMI, Sony/BMG, Warner) and their hypocrisy in relation to their treatment of CD's (unprotected and most widely sold) and digital (highly protected and representing only a fraction of the music market). Oh Mr. Jobs, you never fail to surprise me.
Steve Jobs' "Thoughts on Music"
Posted by
11:35 PM
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I'm assuming that Alfie is portrayed in this promo as a puppet because he's both a serious actor (recently doing a film with Keira Knightly) and a stoner (Kiera apparently attested to this).
Either way, Lily Allen's new video for "Alfie" is a lighthearted brother and sister story that effectively gets the Loony Toons feel across. Fun stuff.
This is for you sean. The best comment leaver ever.
Oh, and you really should check out her new album. It's great. Lily Allen is my hero.
Lily Allen Official Site
Posted by
1:21 PM
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Labels: Video Review
Hey everyone, call your hipster friends, new wave buddies, and NME enthusiasts, the Klaxons' album releases today (in the UK)! In honor of 'Myths of the Near Future', I am devoting this post to the brilliant videography of the Klaxons.
First up is a favorite of mine from the single 'Atlantis to Interzone', and directed by Oliver Evans. (Note: it is "Interzone", not "Interscope". Don't be like Jo Whiley from Radio 1 and mispronounce the name on national radio. Just kidding. I love Jo. and the Klaxons) This video is a wash of 80's clothing, rave-like dancing, and flashing lights. (I'm extremely jealous of their clothes.)
Next on the list is 'Gravity's Rainbow' (another favorite) directed by the notorious Saam Faramand. This video incorporates infinite television sets, green screens, (almost) seizure inducing graphics, and bare chested boys holding naked babies. A formula for brilliance if you ask me.
Third is a video that disturbed me to the core on first viewing. 'Magick' directed once more by Saam Faramand is a brilliant visual adaptation of the Klaxons' darkest single in my opinion. After watching this video like I'd watch a car crash (I just can't look away!) I immediately saw the genius, and it grew on me. (If the pain so well represented by the band doesn't get you, the spewing eyes surely will)
Last up is the boys' most recent single. 'Golden Skans' was once again directed by Klaxons favorite Saam Faramand, and truly shows the diversity of creativity that Saam and the Klaxons have together. A beautiful video in its simple complexity.
These are already some of my favorite videos and I've only been watching them for a couple months.
Go buy the new album.
Buy 'Myths of the Near Future'
Klaxons Official Site (It's Crazy!)
Posted by
2:26 PM
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Labels: Video Review
I am conflicted about the Cold War Kids. Every other blog on the entire interweb has hailed them as the next big thing, citing their unique musical styles, and must-see gigs, however, I'm just not blown away. Sure, "Hang Me Out To Dry", their first single, has already been stuck in my head for a month (there's something about the way that guitar just dances through the heavy bassline and vocals that just kills me every time.) and I can't seem to find anything truly wrong with them, but I just can't get obsessed over them like I can over say, The Libertines (ha. like that can ever happen again).
At the moment they're wrapping up a bi-costal residency (yes, I did say bi-costal, and yes, I did say residency. They're crazy) and then touring the hell out of the country, so check them out if you can, and let me know if I should be more excited than I actually am.
Here's their latest video directed by The Malloys (they're also frickin everywhere!) who have also done videos for The Raconteurs, Wolfmother, Angels and Airwaves (I never said I liked them), etc.
I just found another version of this video by another director on youtube. I'll be checking that out now. This is the official version though. You can trust me on that.
Oh, and don't get me wrong, I don't hate the Kids, I like their stuff a lot. I'm just not crazy obsessed like everyone else.
Cold War Kids Official Site
Posted by
8:26 AM
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Labels: New Music
How freakin' fun is this?
They were also pretty awesome at CMJ this year.
Whoever gave me their last album, I owe you one.
Posted by
12:22 AM
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Labels: Video Review
It seems like the 'tomorrow' in my last post turned into 11 days. Sorry about that. Lack of new music drove me into a limbo-like state of vegetation.
But never fear, new things are afoot and bound to make 2007 better than the small train wreck that was 2006.
Here's a list of exciting things that I know of so far:
+Lily Allen, Webster Hall - Second show of the year (The first was The Shins on Monday at the Virgin Megastore. Pretty frickin awesome), and it's bound to be a good one for me. (Brilliantly catchy and poignant songs, and a penchant for speaking her mind. What's not to love about her?)
+Kaiser Chiefs NME tour - The Walkmen, Annuals, the Kaisers and apparently The Editors in one show?! I have no words.
+Razorlight, Bowery Ballroom - I'm using this as my belated birthday celebration. Johnny Borell better be in top form.
+The Fratellis, Mercury Ballroom - I wish this didn't sell out. I wanted to see them before these boys become the new poster band for the iPod.
+Jarvis Cocker's US album release
+Bloc Party "A Weekend in the City" release - February 6, '07
+The Horrors LP - March '07
+OASIS ALBUM - Late 2007/early 2008
+The Editors new album - April '07
+ BABYSHAMBLES NEW BIG LABEL ALBUM RELEASE (yea, they're now on a major label.) - 2007ish
+The Arcade Fire follow up album - Spring '07
+New Bright Eyes album "Cassadaga" - April 9, 2007 (that’s for you JM)
+Sondre Lerche album
+Maximo Park album
+Hard-fi Album
+Oh and Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix movie release
I have a good feeling about this year...
Posted by
9:38 PM
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Labels: Outlook
To do a "best of" or not to do a "best of" that is the question.
I could give into my lazy impulses, and write about the My Chemical Romance/Muse double headlining tour...
(Frickin Ridiculous. I want to know where the touring industry is going. First Death Cab and Franz Ferdinand, now this?)
...or I could dig into the depths of my external hard drives, and decide what was truly good about 2006.
Best show I went to in 2006:
-Arctic Monkeys/The Spinto Band - Webster Hall, March 25, 2006.
What could make a show by two of my favorite bands even better? My friend getting drafted to be a model in Italy, that's what. (how'd that pan out for you Ryder?)
Best tv show:
-3 way tie between shows that didn't really start this year:
-The Office
-Arrested Development
(They'll be in my best of for the next 30 years.)
-Honorable mention: Grey's Anatomy, Psych
Best kid's movie that my brother made me learn the dances for:
-High School Musical.
(You shut up. You all shut up. Billboard #1 for like 6 weeks. I didn't contribute to that)
Best thing I baked this year:
-Coconut Macaroons dipped in chocolate
(yes. I bake. and if I got the food network, I'd cook more too. damn you cable provider)
Best "Best of" this year (there were a lot. I think I'll dub this the year of the comeback.)
-"Stop the Clocks" by Oasis.
(come on, you know me. would there be any other?)
That's five. I'll add to it tomorrow.
(Hopefully this entry will satisfy those who threaten my life.) (You know who you are) (cox)
Posted by
4:36 AM
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Labels: Best of...