Monday, April 10

Look at these hipster/rappers

While analyzing the shows we had attended during the week, Banu and I proclaimed that we should form a rap group. How this would work out I'm not sure, however, that wasn't the end of it. She went on to propose that we sing not only rap, but Emo-Rap. This got me thinking (as these things usually do), how exactly would that sound. In this case, we'd have a couple of options:

1) Sing gangsta (with an "a" instead of an "er") rap and dress like emo kids. (the most likely alternative considering who we are)2) Sing emo songs quick enough to become a rap
3) Rap about emo topics (black tears, sorrow, bleeding hearts, etc) (now that I think about it, it's a bit like the previous option.)
4) Use emo samples in a rap song.
5) Use rap samples in an emo song.

With the current music trend being that of crossover artists, the emo-rap craze could likely be a possibility in the near future (see past post on crossover artists). The genre would work out quite well in today's world. Many kids I know listen to mainly emo music, with rap as a close second, or visa versa. This creates an ideal audience.

The issues that then arise however are that of it's practicality. Though in the music world today, experimental artists such as DJ Danger Mouse, are creating unique sounds by mixing artists that would normally be on completely different sides of the spectrum (namely The Beatles and Jay-z on The Grey Album), these artists are usually respected in the music world. Sad to say (or am I?), but Emo is not exactly the most respectable genre out there (You have to admit that Fall Out Boy gets a lot of strife). I guess untill these aspects are worked out, the world will be deprived of Emo-rap, and must suffice with Indie/hipster-rap instead.

Princess - Miss Adventures

Princess Official Site
DJ Danger Mouse Official Site
Fall Out Boy Official Site

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

we're gonna have to rhyme "chucks" and "fucks". a lot.