Friday, April 13

Not even my uncertain living situation can bring me down today.

I don't think I can put into words how excited I am right now. Sure, I was excited on tuesday when I met the Klaxons. True Lily Allen was fantastic in concert on Wenesday. And of course the Kaiser Chiefs were more spectacular than I could have ever imagined. But what happened last night even surpasses the fact that James Klaxon put me on thier guestlist for thier show tonight (twice in one week? I know, It's magnificent).

How do I put this best.

Last night, after 3 torturing years of separation, The Libertines reunited for a triumphant full set.

I hope you can understand the gravity of the event, because I am having trouble just getting past my elation and forming coherent thoughts.

I don't really know why I'm bothering seeing as everyone proably knows.

If not, here is the play by play blog of the night...

"The Good Old Days"

"Tell The King/Don't Look Back Into The Sun"

I sense good things on the horizon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

HAHA lauren T. said she'd die from the excitement if the libertines ever got back together. If they ever get back together, I hope it happens while we're all in Hawaii. I'd like to see what happens to her.

-sean c.