Thursday, March 30
Wednesday, March 29
Part 3 of 3!!!! (I've finally caught up!) (The Editors and Stellastarr*, March 28th, Warsaw...Brooklyn)
I hate Williamsburg. I decided this last night after arriving in Williamsburg for the Editors' concert at Warsaw. I'd always thought that I might like the place, but I was horribly wrong.
"Hipster capital! Cool! It'll be fun to observe! I'm there!"..."What is this? Rural Brooklyn infested with trendy hipsters? This is no place for an almost-scenester like me."
But for now, I'll put away my new eternally burning grudge against that forsaken town and move to lighter things. In fact, I'll move to the reason that I was in Williamsburg in the first place: The Editors and Stellastarr* gig.
Warsaw is a nice venue. It's quaint. For a venue, that's what it is: Quaint. It's got a room for the bar, a room for socializing and merch (in the case of a concert), and it has a room for the show. The best part about the venue however was the fact that there was no barrier between the stage and the crowd. We were literally right against the stage. This fact allowed for an intimacy that I have never felt before in prior barriered gigs.
Starting the show was The Mobius Band. They seemed alright at the time. A simple band; 3 guys, one guitar, one bass, one drum, a keyboard, and an electronic noisemaker. Their set however was a bit boring. Their songs were all slow, and the songs that did attempt to bring up the energy ended up sounding like just that: an attempt. I definitely see potential, however, there is still some major work to be done.
The next band up was one of the double headliners (though it was clear from the start that only one headliner really mattered): Stellastarr*. I've been following this band (ish) for a couple years now, but I was unsure of what to expect. I started listening to them while I was in an odd emo state (I admit, I tried to be emo at a time. I'm sorry) a couple years ago, and I only had vague recollections of the original album ("S/T." dark at parts, but also a lot of danceable tunes) and even fewer of their new album ("Harmonies for the Haunted". Dark. The title says it all). The band kicked it off with "In the Walls" off their first album, and with the hypnotizing lull of the guitar I was suddenly hit with a wave of nostalgia so strong, it occupied my conscious thoughts till the end of the set. The set however, was surprisingly unimpressive considering their road history (they've been around for a couple years now, you'd think they'd have perfected something). The frontman did seem like he had just done a line or two of coke before the show and that added some interest, but all in all, I was let down by a band that I had mediocre expectations for.
Then, finally, the band we'd all been waiting for took the stage. New York and British hipsters joined together to welcome The Editors to the show. For all the hype, I had some pretty high expectations for this show. Suffice it to say however, I was completely blown away by the Editors. From the first note to the very last, they carried with them an energy and rock star professionalism that placed them upon a pedestal only few bands have been allowed to grace in my mind. Each song sounded studio quality. That is, studio quality infused with an energy that only a live show by a truly phenomenal band could bring. Dancing like a fool, I forgave Williamsburg temporarily for the strife I was caused if they could bring me a band like this. Really a top notch band. My verdict: If you ever get a chance to see these boys play, jump on it (Thanks again Lauren! You're the source of a lot of my happiness), you won't be disappointed.
Oh and did I mention that the L-train sucks and shouldn't shut down when you need to get back to Manhattan at 12 am. (It took us 2 1/2 hours to get home from Warsaw.
Stellastarr* - My Coco
The Editors - Fingers In The Factory
Posted by
9:52 PM
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Part 2 of 3 (Demetri Martin, March 26th)
This man is brilliant. I have never known any comedian to keep me laughing for their entire show. I think I am in love. No, I'm sure of it. For his one man show, "Dr. Earnest Parrot presents Demetri Martin", Demetri explored his P.H.E.A.L.S. through an almost seamless blend of slides, animation, song, dance, stories, puppets, and of course, stand-up. I don't want to give anything away (just see the damn show, it's really good) but the animation was GROUNDBREAKING. And the dancing blew my mind. I was literally a lifeless blob after the show. But then again, that could have been from the lack of sleep, the fact that it was 1:30 at night, and I hadn't eaten since 11:30 that morning. Either way, the show was great, Demetri is great, and now, I am great.
Here's a smattering of his comedic genius on the Daily Show. Enjoy. (bitches.)
Demetri Martin's Website
Posted by
9:00 PM
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Ok part 1 of 3 (Arctic Monkeys, Webster Hall, March 25)
It's hard to describe what you feel when you finally see a band you've been following from nearly the start (Thanks Lauren!). Lets start at the beginning. Well not exactly the beginning. Let's bypass the hours of anxious preparation, the frozen line (partially my fault for arriving so early. I needed a good spot.) my friend being scouted for a D&G photo shoot, and the waiting in the venue for the show to finally start. Lets start with the Spinto Band.
Prior to the show, I had only heard a total of 4 songs by the Spinto Band. I admit it, I was unprepared. What I knew however, I liked a lot. I've ranted already about their music, so I'll move on to their live set. And let me tell you, what a live set it was. Six boys in a band couldn't have brought more energy unless they had obviously been taking crack-cocaine (Drugs are bad). From the first song to the last, the band brought an energy that completely made up for the problems with the volume of the vocals. Almost completely covered, both singers in the band bounced around like kids hopped up on sugar (Just say no kids. Just kidding. I'm a junkie) rising above the problems with the sound. The set was equally energetic, each song flowing into the next, a non-stop bombardment of peppy, pop/rock that was reflected in the dancing kids in the crowd. The set was only made better when the band came out with kazoos they had fixed to their heads in preparation for "Brown Boxes" (They threw a few into the crowd. My luck proved itself when one landed on me.). All in all, great set. I appreciated the energy, and it won me over as a fan.
Next up, the stage dimmed for the band we had all come out to see. The new "it" band, with a sound that proved that the hype was well deserved: The Arctic Monkeys. As the lights slowly came on, the boys stumbled out, awkward, and yet shrouded in what seemed like an epic aura. These boys were meant for greatness, and they new it. Picking up their instruments, they started their set in whirlwind fashion; no waiting, no hesitation, no questions asked. It was in a word, Brilliant. It was as if someone turned on their album but increased the musical energy tenfold. (I respect a band that sounds like the album. It proves to me that they don't need the technology to make them sound better.) Though toned down from what I had expected while transitioning between songs, their accuracy and spirit made up for it completely. Alex handled the crowd well, responding to obnoxious song requests and shouts of "Alex is Pretty!" with a subtly witty comment, or a gentlemanly statement. As much as I loved this band before, I love them much more now. The music was amazing, I can't say much else. Well, I can say that, true to recent form, the band tried out one of their new tunes on the New York crowd. In fact, it was so new, Alex forgot how it went halfway through, and had to start over (Matt just laughed). The song itself was true to the Arctic Monkey style that we've all come to know and love, and made me even more anxious for all that new material they say they have in reserve (I'm excited). Final analysis: The band was amazing (no mardy bums indeed <-Bad Arctic Monkeys pun. I'm really sorry) and I'm glad I caught them when they can still play intimate gigs.
Here's a fun song that was constantly requested during any and all down time during the Arctic Monkeys set (they never actually played it though):
Arctic Monkeys - Love Machine (Live)
Posted by
6:45 PM
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Tuesday, March 28
Two reviews as best as I can.
It is now nearly 3 am on a Monday (now Tuesday) night (or morning) and I'm going to attempt to fufill my promise.
My vision is blurring. Nevermind.
I'll just say this: Demetri Martin is the funniest man alive (this could be a massive overstatement though). Arctic Monkeys and Demetri Martin review coming. I promise. Editors/Stellastarr* concert tomorrow. I am going to be so beat this week. Woo.
Posted by
2:49 AM
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Monday, March 27
Sorry for the delay...
So, about that gig review...It's comings. I promise. But right now, I'm busy with school-work, so you'll have to suffice with a couple band recommendations instead.
First off, a band you've probably heard of from my continual rants concerning last nights concert. To you, my friends, I present The Spinto Band. Hailing from Wilmington, Delaware, this 6 piece band packs more energy into their live shows than a red bull laced with crack-cocaine (Don't do drugs). Ready to run with those who front the modern indie pack, The Spinto Band are able to weave multi-layered harmonies and guitars, with melodies that are impossible not to dance to. Recalling such artists as Pavement and the more modern Clap Your Hands Say Yeah, The Spinto Band surely is one to watch in the future. Currently on tour with the likes of the Arctic Monkeys (wonder of wonders), murmurs of The Spinto Band are never far from any conversation regarding those who are up and coming. If you are still not won over, consider the fact that in their song "Brown Boxes," they all play kazoos. What more do I need to say?
Spinto Band - Oh Mandy
Spinto Band - Brown Boxes
The Spinto Band's Official Website
Next, for your hungry pallet, I present for you, The Wombats. These Liverpool natives, in their words, "carry the city’s legendary talent for smashing pop songs". A bold statement indeed, however, not surprising, nor unexpected after hearing such songs as "Moving To New York". This 3 piece banddefinitelyy know how to write a pop/rock song. With a driving beat that causes your foot to innately tap, a soaring guitar that also lifts your spirits, and a bassline that would inspire any beginning bassist (namely me), and a wit to match (seetheirr website) these boys seem prime for music stardom. Already drawing attention from Radio 1 personalities (specifically Huw Stephens) and bloggers alike, the buzz isdefinitelyy well deserved. Give 'em a spin and you'll find yourself both wondering what exactly a wombat is, and where these boys have been for the past 2 years oftheirr existance.
The Wombats - Moving To New York
The Wombats - Derail and Crash
The Wombats' Official Site
Posted by
2:29 AM
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Sunday, March 26
Concerning one of the best gigs of my life...
I regret to inform you that the review and photos of the Spinto Band/Arctic Monkeys show will have to wait. I have a major headache and feel another migrane coming on. The show was amazing though. I'll just say this, I liked the Spinto Band before, but now I am in love with them. And this is not just a sissy, I like you now but in a month we wont be speaking, kind of love, this is the brinking on obsession kind of love.
Seeing as I was already way past that level for the Arctic Monkeys, I was pushed into near unhealthy levels of infatuation tonight. If my head wasn't hurting so much, I would definitely be out on the town hunting for my opportunity to ensnare them.
Not to sound like one of the 16 yr olds I was surrounded by tonight but,
I <3 The Spinto Band
I <3 Arctic Monkeys!
Don't judge me.
Posted by
12:34 AM
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Friday, March 24
I blame it on Go Lean Kashi Crunch.
So, today I feel sick. So sick that I had to ditch work. If you know me, then you know that it takes a lot to get me away from my responsibilities. I don't even really know what's wrong with me. All I know is that I feel constantly nauseous, my stomach alternates between stabbing pain and discomforting churning, and recently, my head has been spinning and I am dizzy. Gosh darn it. I felt really bad leaving work (both morally and physically). But I did walk by two things that made me feel a little better in my mind:
1) A tow-truck towing a car being filmed for a movie (I never knew it was done that way)
2) Daniel Kessler from Interpol
I think I'll make myself some tea and just lie here for the rest of the day. That's all I feel I can do. Oh, that and psych myself up for the Arctic Monkeys tomorrow!
Pete Doherty is on trial again. 7 counts of drug possession (oh that man. I can't help but love him). More on that when the spinning stops...
Posted by
4:55 PM
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Thursday, March 23
The first time clowns didn't scare me, or, How my blouse got filled with snow
I have just arrived back after watching Slava's Snowshow, and I have to say, I enjoyed it very much. I don't want to give anything away, so I'll just say this:
1) Those clowns can act. I've never had my emotions manipulated so much by absolutely nothing said.
2) To make a good show, crowd interaction is definitely a plus. Especially if you take stuff from them and then pour their water bottles right on their heads.
3) Four Words: Light, Color, Music, Magnificent
The show was just amazing. I'm not one to see shows over and over, but I'd definitely see this one again. Oh, and the last scene was, well, touching. I was moved (and if you know me, you know that's a hard thing to do.) I recommend it. You won't be disappointed. Well, you might if you don't have an open mind. And if you don't, then you're just not cool (just joking!)(If Hobbits like it, it must be good! (I bet he hates being type-casted))
Thank God for free tickets and my sudden spurts of spontaneity.
Now if I could only apply that to other aspects of my life...
Slava's Snowshow Official Site
Posted by
9:57 PM
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New band now, event recap later.
I've been obsessing over this band all week (I found them on Monday) and can't keep them to myself any longer. After compulsively listening to their limited available recordings (they have yet to release a full length album from what I can tell) non-stop for the past week, I feel obligated to spread their word. To you, my most esteemed friends and acquaintances, I present: Neat People. And trust me, these kids really are Neat People indeed. One of the few bands that met and formed completely in music college, these boys seem to have figured out the recipe for pop (yes I said pop, but they know it and accept it too so it's ok) success. Recently featured on The Fake DIY as one of the rare 'good' (no offense) myspace finds, Neat People comes the closest to filling the Blur void that I know we've all felt (oh Damon and Grahm). With catchy melodies, and a unique mastery of addicting and complex lyrical rhythms, Neat People prove themselves to be worthy of true stardom. Give 'um a spin.
Neat People - Philipa Future
Neat People - Carry You Upward
Neat People's Official Website
I'm also going to see Slava's Snowshow tonight. I'll let you know how that goes. I'm excited.
Posted by
4:34 PM
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Wednesday, March 22
Google is fun.
Numbers upon numbers of people (3) have asked me what exactly a 'scenester' is. To this I usually say "why, it's simply a hipster". This usually clears up the situation. But, for those who still need some help I can offer you two tidbits to make the situation 'clear as an unmuddied lake' (clockwork orange reference!)
1)Visit Williamsburg (a.k.a. Hipster Capital USA)
2)Look at THIS
Personally, I think the second is the way to go.
Oh Google, you never cease to amaze me.
Posted by
11:11 PM
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Innovations and renovations
First things first. As I was sitting in my economics class today, constantly bombarded in my sleep induced stupor (despite the fact that it was 12:30 in the afternoon.) with seemingly useless information, I came to one all important conclusion: Lower back tattoos are completely unnecessary.
Dwell on that.
Moving on.
I've noticed lately that modern music has taken a very dramatic turn onto 'Memory Lane' (in a sense). The airwaves as of late, have been dominated by sounds that seem to come from especially the 60's, 70's and 80's. (Don't get me wrong, I love it. I was just taking note of the trend) Why is this? True, these eras brought with them very important musical innovations (can you say keytar?), and it is inevitable that music today would bear some resemblance, but why are the influences so blatantly obvious? Have we sucked the musical world so dry as to be forced to re-use the works of the past? Can we make no more innovations? Take The Killers' "Mr. Brightside" for example. You can't listen to this song and not think "80's dance". It's next to impossible (unless you've never heard 80's dance music. Then I would say that you should go out and listen to some right now because it's damn good stuff to dance to.) Or, take a look at The Coral. Pure 70's throwback. I'm not doing anything about it so I guess I shouldn't really talk. But when you get right down to it, what's left? Mixing genre's seems to be the future. Punk/Pop, Dance/Rock, Hip-hop/Jazz, etc. Perhaps we'll soon be an inter-musical world, where 'new music' will just be the wierdest mix of 2 or more styles. That'll be fun.
The Killers - Mr. Brightside (right...cause you've never heard it before...)
The Coral - Far From The Crowd
Voxtrot - Mothers, Sisters, Daughters & Wives (Something new, something different, something vaguely familiar)
The Killers' Official Website
The Coral's Official Website
Voxtrot's Official Website
Posted by
9:42 PM
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Tuesday, March 21
An unlikely oasis for the monkeys.
Never ceasing to make his voice known in the world of the media, Noel Gallagher (god of gods) has made headlines once again. This time, he has extended a very gracious and helping hand to newcomers and sudden superstars, the Arctic Monkeys. Speaking up for the recent openers at Oasis'' Toronto Air Canada Centre (March 20th) gig, Noel countered a recent attack on the band made by Smiths legend, Morrissey. Days ago, Morrisey remarked on the Arctic Monkeys' recent success saying:
"For them it's happening too quickly. They haven't proven anything and they haven't had to work too hard. It's all a bit unnatural. Yes, they've sold 700,000 albums but it can't be gratifying. They haven't been driving up and down the M1 in a van for 15 years."
(Harsh words in my opinion. The boys deserve the fame they got. I've followed them from the start and all I can say is that I'm proud.)
In true Gallagher fashion, Noel talked openly about the boys saying things like:
"It happens when it happens, man, and I would say thank God that it does happen," he said. "You'd be a bit of an idiot if you said, 'No, I'm too young for a record deal.'"
Noel also praised Alex Turner's lyrical abilities, and at points, even went so far as to compare the Arctic Monkeys to Oasis.
"But I would embrace success when it happens. Any level of it. Just fucking get on with it. If the music didn't stand up... but you've only got to listen to (their) tunes. They're unique to themselves. And they've got their own thing and I think it's great. It doesn't sound like anybody else and I like the way that they don't wear shirts and ties and blazers... These kids seem to be pretty much like us. They kind of look like we do."
I always like when two bands I respect come together such as these two have. I do however, recall a certain interview on BBC Radio 1 this summer, when, in response to a question on his opinion of upcomming bands (such as the Arctic Monkeys), Noel said that a band with a name like "Arctic Monkeys" would never make it far in the business. Oh Noel, you always end up in the right in the end. This is why I love you.
Full Article on (all quotes taken from here)
Arctic Monkeys' Official Site
Oasis' Official Site
Posted by
6:13 PM
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If you like music...
"If you like music, you might like Elle Milano"-Elle Milano
For the first post pertaining to my actual business here, I want to introduce you to a band that I hold near and dear to my heart. Elle Milano has been creating buzz in the UK for some time now. Gaining praise from such radio personalities as the BBC's Steve Lamacq, these kids from "Reading/Leicester/Hampshire/Middle Of Nowhere, United Kingdom" (in their own words) have reached the hill of stardom and are slowly beginning to climb. (pardon the cliche). This quirky four piece ensemble comes together to create a unique brand of rock that instantly hooks you with their catchy tunes and a beat that you can't help but dance to. A band like Elle Milano can only be grouped with others falling in the recently discovered 'Art Rock' genre, like the ever popular (or strongly despised, depending on your preference) Art Brut. Though the two bands cannot truly be compared, their deviation from the pop/rock standards that rule the airwaves today, classify them in this new and (not to sound corny) exciting genre. Mastering the art (no pun intended) of both lyrical and musical manipulation, Elle Milano takes it's listeners on a subconscious ride through the oddities of our society. Not afraid to criticize the ignorance of kids (and adults no less) today, Elle Milano is able to say such bold statements as "i'm sorry for being so middle class, spoilt little me i've got my head up my own arse...what are economics, stock exchange and social politics? not for me honey, its not for me honey.." or even "would you love me if I was black? would you love me if I was gay or put a knife in my back? i didn't ask to be who I am, but I'm here, and here I stand." without a second thought or hesitation. Lead singer Kobe Winona in fact, belts these social observations out in a style reminiscent of Robert Smith in the early Cure days. And this is all on only their first single. As of this moment, the band is in the process of releasing their first EP featuring the hit single "Swearing's for Art Students". The 4 track EP will be available on April 3rd and can be ordered through their label, Brighton Electric, by phone.
Elle Milano - Swearing's For Art Students
Elle Milano Official Webpage
Elle Milano Myspace page (some tracks available here)
Posted by
4:00 PM
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Monday, March 20
Inaugural Post
So this is it. The world of the internet is now at my command. How will I use this power to mold your mind? I'll tell you. I'll smatter you with my rants on one of the following:
-My inner musings.
-Current events.
There is some wiggle room in all topics, but you get the gist I suppose. So, introductions aside, I'm here for your enjoyment, thanks for listening, stay tuned.
Posted by
10:46 PM
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