Innovations and renovations
First things first. As I was sitting in my economics class today, constantly bombarded in my sleep induced stupor (despite the fact that it was 12:30 in the afternoon.) with seemingly useless information, I came to one all important conclusion: Lower back tattoos are completely unnecessary.
Dwell on that.
Moving on.
I've noticed lately that modern music has taken a very dramatic turn onto 'Memory Lane' (in a sense). The airwaves as of late, have been dominated by sounds that seem to come from especially the 60's, 70's and 80's. (Don't get me wrong, I love it. I was just taking note of the trend) Why is this? True, these eras brought with them very important musical innovations (can you say keytar?), and it is inevitable that music today would bear some resemblance, but why are the influences so blatantly obvious? Have we sucked the musical world so dry as to be forced to re-use the works of the past? Can we make no more innovations? Take The Killers' "Mr. Brightside" for example. You can't listen to this song and not think "80's dance". It's next to impossible (unless you've never heard 80's dance music. Then I would say that you should go out and listen to some right now because it's damn good stuff to dance to.) Or, take a look at The Coral. Pure 70's throwback. I'm not doing anything about it so I guess I shouldn't really talk. But when you get right down to it, what's left? Mixing genre's seems to be the future. Punk/Pop, Dance/Rock, Hip-hop/Jazz, etc. Perhaps we'll soon be an inter-musical world, where 'new music' will just be the wierdest mix of 2 or more styles. That'll be fun.
The Killers - Mr. Brightside (right...cause you've never heard it before...)
The Coral - Far From The Crowd
Voxtrot - Mothers, Sisters, Daughters & Wives (Something new, something different, something vaguely familiar)
The Killers' Official Website
The Coral's Official Website
Voxtrot's Official Website
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