Friday, March 24

I blame it on Go Lean Kashi Crunch.

So, today I feel sick. So sick that I had to ditch work. If you know me, then you know that it takes a lot to get me away from my responsibilities. I don't even really know what's wrong with me. All I know is that I feel constantly nauseous, my stomach alternates between stabbing pain and discomforting churning, and recently, my head has been spinning and I am dizzy. Gosh darn it. I felt really bad leaving work (both morally and physically). But I did walk by two things that made me feel a little better in my mind:

1) A tow-truck towing a car being filmed for a movie (I never knew it was done that way)
2) Daniel Kessler from Interpol

I think I'll make myself some tea and just lie here for the rest of the day. That's all I feel I can do. Oh, that and psych myself up for the Arctic Monkeys tomorrow!

Pete Doherty is on trial again. 7 counts of drug possession (oh that man. I can't help but love him). More on that when the spinning stops...

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