Tuesday, April 11

I'm in love with the monkey

Monkey News everyone! If you've listened to the Ricky Gervais show podcast, then I have to warn you, it's not that kind of Monkey News. (Though I do recommend the podcast very much. It is hilarity in convenient electronic form.)

I actually am going to obsess over the return of one of my favorite shows (aside from Arrested Development and The Office), Love Monkey! This show basically depicts my perfect life (minus being a man), and thus the appeal. It also stars Tom Cavanagh, and the musical director is none other than Mr. Nic Harcourt from KCRW's "Morning Becomes Eclectic"! If that isn't enough to merit television genius status, I don't know what is.

The show depicts the life of one Tom Farrell, wonder-boy A&R rep. He's got the ear, and he's got the morals for the "biz", but (of course) he has some trouble in the romance department. Love Monkey follows Tom in his fall from corporate label rep, to his true home at a small indie label, representing the music as opposed to the money.

I couldn't think of a show more perfect for music fanatics like myself. It has humor, it has music (great, great music), it gives an insight into the business, and did I mention it has great music?

VH1 decided to pick the show up recently after numerous fan demands for it's return (it was on hiatus on CBS) and tonight will show the first 3 episodes back to back. New episodes will start up on the 18th for our viewing pleasure. Tune in with me, enjoy and bask in the brilliance that is Love Monkey.

Love Monkey Official Site
Ricky Gervais Official Site
Morning Becomes Eclectic Official Site

Oh, and by the way, blogger is wierd and published a couple of my newest posts a little ways down, check it out. (Sondre Lerche review (with numerous pictures, etc) and another. woo. I almost feel your excitement)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

that's so exciting! i saw that vh1 was showing the episodes that have already aired, but i didn't know that they were going to have new ones too. i'm quite excited since i never got to see it before they took it away from cbs.